Akashdeep Deka

Akashdeep Deka (Assamese actor) wiki, age, wife, children, movies, caste, education & more

Akashdeep Deka
NameAkashdeep Deka
ProfessionAssamese actor and politician
Political PartyBharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
Years Active2004-Present
Date of BirthSeptember 12, 1976
Age (In 2025)48 Years 5 Month(s) 27 Days
Birth PlaceNalbari, Assam, India
Current CityKamrup, Assam, India
Mother TongueAssamese
Physical Stats
Heightin centimeters- 175 cm
in meters- 1.75 m
in feet inches – 5ft 9in
Eye ColorBlack
Hair ColorBlack
Family and Marriage Details
Marital StatusSeparated
Wife/SpouseAngoorlata Deka
angoorlata deka with husband akashdeep deka
Marriage Date2015
Daughter(s)Namami Deka
akashdeep deka with daughter namami deka
Brother(s)Anuraag Deka (videographer)
Education Details
SchoolNot Known
CollegeGauhati University
Educational QualificationGraduate
Debut MovieAnjana (2005)
Movie(s)Love In Bangkok (2015)
Jilmil Jonak (2014)
Bakor Putek (2012)
Janmoni (2011)
Jaanmoni (2010)
Jonbai 4 (2008)
Jaanmoni 3 (2007)
Jhumka (2007)
Jonbai 3 (2007)
Moromjaan (2007)
Hero (2006)
Jonbai 2 (2006)
Bogitora (2006)
Champa (2006)
Anjana (2005)
Video Album(s)Moromjaan (2004)
Short Film(s)Hilife (Hindi, 2022)
Contact/Social Media Details
Other Details
Food HabitNon-Vegetarian
Net Worth (Approx)₹94 lakh
Akashdeep Deka is an Assamese actor and politician. He is the husband of former actress and former BJP MLA of the Batadrava constituency, Angoorlota Deka.
Akashdeep Deka
He was born on 12 September 1976 into a middle-class Assamese Hindu family in Nalbari, Assam, India, and graduated from Gauhati University. 1
He featured opposite Gayatri Mahanta in “Bhori Pisal Khale” and opposite Seema Mudoi in the song “Sojak Jen Gabhoru” from the 2004 musical video album “Moromjaan”. 2 3
Deka made his acting debut alongside Arup Bora and Aimee Baruah in the 2005 Assamese film “Anjana”, directed by Rajesh Bhuyan. 4
He starred opposite Shyamontika Sharma in the 2006 Assamese VCD film “Champa”, directed by Narayan Shil. 5
Deka starred opposite Barsha Rani Bishaya in the 2006 Assamese film “Bogitora”, directed by Manas Barua. 6
He appeared in the song “Porbotor Dhek Dhekia” from the 2006 Assamese film “Jonbai 2”. 7
He starred opposite Tanvi Sharma in Hero (2006), directed by Manas Robin. The song “Ek Chhori Ek Chhora Chupke Chupke Se Pyar” from the movie was a huge hit and has garnered over 25 million views on YouTube (as of April 2024).
In 2007, he was seen in the movies “Jonbai 3”, “Jhumka”, and “Jaanmoni 3”.
He starred alongside Kapil Borah, Tanvi Sharma, and Manisha Ragini in the 2007 Assamese film “Moromjaan”, written and directed by Bikram Hazarika. 8
On 15 December 2014, Akashdeep Deka and Angoorlata Deka joined the BJP during a function held in Marigaon district of Assam. 9
In 2015, he starred alongside Bikul Dutta and Sangeeta Panagoda in the Assamese romantic drama film “Love In Bangkok”, directed by Ashim Baishya. 10
He starred opposite Angoorlata Deka in the Nepali film “Pachauri”, directed by Jadumoni Dutta. The song “Makhmali” from the movie is still very popular. 11
Akashdeep Deka married Angoorlata Deka in 2015, and the couple was blessed with a baby girl named Namami Deka on 3 August 2017. Akashdeep and Angoorlata have been separated since 2022. 12
wedding picture of angoorlata deka and akashdeep deka
In May 2018, Akashdeep was admitted to GNRC Hospital in Dispur, Guwahati, after suffering a stroke. 13
In 2022, he was seen in the Hindi short film “Hilife”, written and directed by Jahan Sarkar.
He opened a dhaba and restaurant named “Namani Randhani Shal” in the name of his daughter Namami on her 5th birthday on 3 August 2022. Namani Randhani Shal is located in Dhupguri Khetri district of Kamrup, Assam. 14
namami randhani shal
On the occasion of his daughter Namami Deka’s 6th birthday on 3 August 2023, Akashdeep started “Namami Productions” in the name of his daughter. 15
According to MyNeta.info, he has an estimated net worth of ₹94 lakh. 16

  1. https://www.facebook.com/akashdeep.deka/about_overview[]
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9rtcff23uw[]
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAGWTckW2B8[]
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqi6WOy9wMY[]
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShmLhkR0IQU[]
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCdqt15EPcQ[]
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odfB_ij0V2I[]
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9TjZJPtxAY[]
  9. https://www.facebook.com/guwahatiplus/photos/a.526201954112255/796927050373076/[]
  10. https://in.bookmyshow.com/movies/love-in-bangkok/ET00032104[]
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWTXDvAOJIA[]
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZPOql3GUAo[]
  13. https://www.sentinelassam.com/breakingnews/actor-akashdeep-deka-admitted-to-gnrc-hospital[]
  14. https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid0VUVGXVbkvoeiVVvuagfzgmPpDbWfWeYSqut5gcPnsDvFF3XdfL7qd1VM9Wfw4QaSl&id=100008682606975[]
  15. https://www.etvbharat.com/assamese/assam/entertainment/movie/actor-akashdeep-dekas-emotional-post-about-his-daughter-namami/assam20230804112125398398367[]
  16. https://myneta.info/Assam2021/candidate.php?candidate_id=181[]